Voted Most Likely Tag!

This is gonna be fun. My awesome blogger-friend Kinsey tagged me weeks ago, but things have been crazy, so I'm only just now getting around to doing this. So get ready for the Voted Most Likely Tag! Here are the rules, copied from Kinsey's blog because she's great. Rule One: thank the blogger who tagged... Continue Reading →

Your Prince is Your Dragon.

I.     I cradle a perfect strawberry in my imperfect hands. So smooth—not enough work. So scarred—not enough control. Outside my door, I hear the familiar chorus of “Your Majesty!” ring out like a fire alarm. My muscles tense to stand, but slacken as the voices sweep past and fade away. They call for... Continue Reading →

Flickers: Chapter 11

THIS IS THE LAST CHAPTER. I FINISHED THIS STORY. Flickers is the second story I've ever finished, y'all. I am extremely proud. I like this chapter a whole lot, because my characters finally get a tiny sliver of peace at the end of everything I've put them through. I try to never break my characters so... Continue Reading →

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